By | 29 de Junho de 2006

O comité IFLA da “Liberdade de Expressão e Liberdade de Acesso à Informação” organiza a sessão plenária do dia 21 de Agosto, das 12:45 às 13:45, focando a polémica dos “cartoons do profeta’.

Do convite:

Maybe there are others who find it difficult to see the value of free expression if what is said causes unease and distress. If so, it is a very good thing to be forced to think about questions such as ‘Is freedom of expression an absolute right of all human beings, or are there topics and circumstances where it does not apply?’

Mais adiante afirma:

Faife’s values suggest that it is always a good thing to have debate, even on the most difficult issues, so you are invited to come and express your views in an open and considered way…

ALA – Algumas notas

By | 23 de Junho de 2006

Não pude ir este ano (em cima de exames ) mas a blogosfera permite manter-me a par dos acontecimentos:

Eric Lease Morgan’s Top Tech Trends for ALA 2006; “Sum” pontificationshttp://litablog.org/2006/06/18/eric-lease-morgans-top-tech-trends-for-ala-2006-sum-pontifications/ é um posto que apareceu no blog da LITA a que tenho de dar mais atenção assim que passe a época.

Os tópicos são:

  • The increasing availability of Voice of over IP (VoIP) is making it easier to communicate with people all over the world in real time.
  • Web pages in the form of blogs and wikis are becoming the norm as opposed to the exception.
  • Social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook are forms of communication, identify formulation, and benign exhibitionism.
  • The ideas forming the core of open source software are slowly leaking into other domains including science and government.
  • Meta-search is not living up to expectations, and I assert this is because it is based on poor technological assumptions.
  • Mass digitization will change aspects of librarianship.
  • Licensed content and digital resource management (DRM) schemes are not going away, but neither is open access.
  • There is a growing discontent with the library catalogs.
  • The cataloging process is moving from complete and full to good enough because full-text indexing and automatic classification is less expensive.
  • OCLC is continuing to expand and redefine itself.

Muitos deles merecem um post individual. Enquanto não o faço , vão lá ver!

Para que servem os bibliotecários?

By | 17 de Junho de 2006

How often do you hear of librarians who never venture out of the library to meet with users? How many librarians cling to cataloguing and classification but pay little attention to any in-depth indexing, content analysis or abstracting services? How much so called reference work is glorified signposting? Those librarians who undertake the major tasks well are invaluable. Those who hide behind the professional guise but in fact cling to process and procedures do not add value to any library or indeed the profession

As a profession we think of information and reference services as core to our work. […] I often ask myself, why was it not librarians who set up Ask Jeeves as a company? We all know its limitations, sometimes we scoff at its simplicity. But we did nothing. Where is the get up and go?

Brindley, L. (2001). What use are Librarians in Relay, Journal of the University College and Research Group of the LA. Disponível em http://www.ucrg.org.uk/publications/relay51.pdf

Na altura directora da British Library


By | 17 de Junho de 2006

[…]broad overview of those imperatives which should inform any consideration of Library and Information Studies (LIS) education. When we design, deliver or even just talk about curriculum, what we mean is a complex integration of the fostering of knowledge, understanding and skills; teaching and learning styles and delivery mechanisms. In addition, at any one time, a curriculum does not stand apart from the society in which it is embedded.[…]

DOI: 10.1400/31410em http://digital.casalini.it/

BBC Doomsday project

By | 15 de Junho de 2006

Nunca ouvi falar disto como causa célebre de obsolescência de material digital, mas é interessantíssimo porque me lembro do projecto a ser feito.

Parece que só em 2002 a BBC encontrou um computador ACORN funcional para reler os “two virtually indestructible interactive video discs” em que os resultados foram gravados em meados da década de 1980.

E para o pessoal que acha que tudo deve ser digital…. o original do Doomsday Book, agora com 900 anos, ainda é legível.

Estão as bibliotecas no negócio dos Livros ou da Informação?

By | 14 de Junho de 2006

Exemplos do passado, concretamente num dos grandes artigos sobre gestão jamais escritos:

The railroads did not stop growing because the need for passenger and freight transportation declined. That grew. The railroads are in trouble today not because the need was filled by others (cars, trucks, airplanes, even telephones) but because it was not filled by the railroads themselves. They let others take customers away from them because they assumed themselves to be in the railroad business rather than in the transportation business. The reason they defined their industry incorrectly was that they were railroad-oriented instead of transportation oriented; they were product-oriented instead of customer-oriented.

Theodore Levitt
Marketing Myopia
Harvard Business Review