The Information Literacy Land of Confusion

By | 13 de Novembro de 2006


No blog The Information Literacy Land of Confusion, Michael Lorenzen comenta que duas estudantes passaram pela sala de periódicos da sua biblioteca e uma disse para a outra: “isto é a sala onde guardam as impressões que fazem das págias da web” ….

Aparentemente, exite uma geração, já por aí à solta, que considera que para uma revista ser impressa … tem de ser impressa da internet….

Não admira pois que,  muitas vezes, esta mesma geração ache que “se não está na internet não está no mundo”… pudera…. mas será que não têm mesmo vida nenhuma fora do online?

Stephen’s Lighthouse: Information Fluency

By | 8 de Novembro de 2006

“Why do we market one of our key products and competencies under the term ‘information literacy’. Is it great marketing to make your customers admit to to being illiterate in order to buy into your service? Are Beauty Salons called Ugly Repair Rooms? Is perfume called stink remover and marketed to smelly folks who must admit that in the first step of a 12 step program? Are we founding Library Illiterates Anonymous without the anonymous? So let’s remember that amongst us chickens, the professionals who know the deep stuff, we can call it information literacy but for others let’s find other words that meet our goals better. Let’s find better marketing hooks to lure in the great unwashed information user.

Source: Stephen’s Lighthouse: Information Fluency


Porque anunciar um dos nossos produtos e competências  chave sob o termo “literacia informacional’?  É bom marketing fazer com que o vossos clientes reconheçam a sua iliteracia ao adquirir o vosso produto? São os Salões de Beleza conhecidos como Slão de Reparação de Fealdade? É um perfuma chamado de anti-ferodres e anunciado a pessoas mal-cheirosas que têm de admitir que é o primeiro passo num +programa de 12 etapas? Estamos por aí a funda Sociedades de Iliteratos Anónimos, mas sem o Anónimos? Lembremo-nos portanto, aqui para nós, galinhas que conhecemos bem as pedrinhas todas deste quintal, que podemos chamar-lhe literacia informacional, mas para os outros temos de usar palavras que sejam mais eficazes para os nossos objectivos Temos de descobrir melhores engodos para atrair o information user que ainda não se banhou nas nossas águas.

E segue uma lista de alternativas de entre as quais realço a minha preferida:

  • Pimp Your Research Skills
  • Library Research Bling
  • Roll Your Own Research Paper
  • Pass that essay next time!
  • Research Tricks and Secrets
  • Citations on the Plane (with cool movie poster mashup)
  • Stay The Course. Mighter Marks with Better Research
  • Clicks and Tricks in the Library
  • Between Google and Catalogue
  • Deal or No Deal: Research Tricks

Alguém consgue imaginar umas alternativas a “Literacia Informacional” na língua de Camões?

Mas com piada…

Os gatos que rosnam…

By | 7 de Novembro de 2006

A 3ª parte da análise SWAT de Stephen Abram sobre a vida das bibliotecas num mundo google acaba de ser publicada… e desta vez é o plano estratégico: Waiting for Your Cat to Bark – Competing with Google and its Ilk, Part 3 


PS: Dia 14 de Novembro às 8 da manhã (Pacifico) – 4 da tarde de Lisboa, Stephen fará uma apresentação via web dedicada ao tema 25 Technologies in 50 Minutes. Aproveitem!!!

Segundo PS: Stephen foi também nomeado Stategos para o Insituto SirsiDynix cerca de 20 minutos depois… portanto o que acomula com Vice-Persidência para a Inovação na SirsiDynix e Presidente Eleito da Special Librarians Association

The Biblio Blog’sphere: The Last 25 Hours

By | 5 de Novembro de 2006

Atfer a long weekend the challenge was met!

The fully aggregated feed for all the 400 blogs LISZEN searches and I could find a rss feed for (with a valid and inteligible datestamp) is from now on (and forever) available at with a complimentary rss feed at (I think that due to a glitch in my php.ini it now searches only the last 24 hours)

Update time is at each 15 minutes (00, 15, 30 and 45) of every hour!

Share and Enjoy!!!

LISZEN: A search engine for library/ian blogs

By | 4 de Novembro de 2006

There was a comment on this excellent service’s blog about having a single RSS feed for all 500 blogs!!!

I’ve almost done it in the past. In fact it was the point of origin for my own http://www.infolitworldnews.comm – where Google CoOp is just the search box, an all the rest is feed aggregation.

I’ve built this on top of previous ingenuity developed on mini “BlogLines-Like” sites for an association I’m a board member of:

The problem is… 500 blogs at 2 posts a day is 10000 posts a day , which is 416 posts an hour, meaning 6 posts a minute… is anyone capable of digesting every single thought a librarian exudes to his/her blog? However it can be done.

Using my own knowledge about feedonfeeds (the engine behind Info Lit World News) it would take forever to harvest the 500 blogs (15 seconds a blog: 5000 seconds per cycle, 83 minutes… hum… seems feasible, but we would never have the blog posts up to the minute ).

To put an feed instead of a site as the delivery mechanism is a piece of cake. If I have time I’ll do it this weekend.

11:00 OK. It’s going well… but 68 feeds, as a test produced 980 posts cached…. does this thing scale without needing to sell the service to BlogLines or Thechnoratti?

After all this would be a piece of cake if bloglines outputes my subscriptions as a single feed!

 It’s now 17:00 and I’ve been working this problem since 9:00

There is something wrong with the idea: I have half the blogs loaded and I have 60 posts in the previous hour!!! This feed will be impossoble to follow!!!

15:32, the next day: