ALT-C 2006: The next generation

By | 20 de Julho de 2006

A Association for Learning Technology vai realizar este ano a sua 13ª conferência internacional

Apesar de muitos dos meus professores não entenderem a minha enfatuação por blogs no ensino superior (por blogs em todo o lado, aliás) o programa apresenta 10 sessões e posters com o termo “blog”.

  • Exploring blogs as a collaborative tool for advancing professional development from conferences.
  • Blogging @ Bournemouth University
  • Digital autobiographies: blogging across years to enhance university learning
  • Blogs, wikis and VOIP in the virtual learning space: the changing landscape of communication in online learning
  • But it’s not a ‘proper’ blog is it? Tangled weblogs as spaces for transformational stories of learning and teaching.
  • Students’ perception of using blog as a tool for reflection and communication
  • Weblogs: Supporting the creation of learning networks in the technology classroom
  • Weblogs as a Support Tool for International Mobility Students
  • Blogs: Collaborative Learning for the Next Generation
  • Educational blogging: versatility, practicality and addressing the e-safety agenda

Seja como fôr para o ano o moodle da ESEIG arranca em força… espero que estejam a fazer cursos de Verão aos professores.