A web não é uma biblioteca

By | 1 de Julho de 2007

Ainda no outro dia aqui falei disto:

Griffiths (1998) confronts the question of `why the web is not a library’. Her reasons include incompleteness of content, lack of standards and validation, minimal cataloging and ine€ective information retrieval. To this we add that the World-Wide Web is not an institution and is not organized on behalf of a specifiable user community.

A refência é para: Griffiths, J.-M. (1998). Why the web is not a library. In: B. L. Hawkins, & P. Battin, The mirage of continuity: reconfiguring academic information resources for the 21st century (pp. 229-246). Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources and the Association of American Universities.

A referência aparece em: “What are digital libraries? Competing visions” de Christine L. Borgman, publicado em Information Processing and Management: an International Journal Volume 35 ,  Issue 3  (May 1999). Special issue on progress toward digital libraries, Pages: 227 – 243 ISSN:0306-4573