Indo eu a caminho do Coliseu

By | 27 de Junho de 2007

Havia uma ladainha na minha meninice que cantávamos nas rodinhas do recreio “indo eu, indo eu, a caminho do coliseu…” …. no caso presente “indo eu a caminho do documento desejado (“Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation” de R. David Lankes, Joanne Silverstein e Scott Nicholson) todo descontraido, eis que o “Information Institute of Syracuse” da “School of Information Studies” da “Syracuse University ” em vez de:


me apresenta:


Tendo em conta que isto é uma partida dos senhores que defenderam que as bibliotecas devem estar na Web 2.0 porque as bibliotecas são uma conversa… fico ansioso.

Já agora a tese proposta é:

Knowledge is created through conversation. Conversations can take place
between friends and colleagues in the “here and now.” But, they can also take
place over centuries, with the participants changing but the theme remaining the
same, and the conversation being recorded in thousands of artifacts, like books,
pictures, and digital files. In many conversations users need sophisticated
processes to facilitate the conversation. Facilitation not only enriches
conversations with diverse and deep information, it also serves as a memory
keeper, documenting agreements and outcomes to facilitate future
conversations. The library serves this vital role for many communities.

The implication of this rather abstract concept is that libraries are in the
conversation business

Enfase meu.